A strange thing has been happening since I started this blog - I started losing weight!
It definitely wasn't a planned thing but when I began this blog, a few new habits began to form and low and behold -> blogging = weight loss. I'm not talking a lot here but I've probably lost about 5 - 7 pounds, yay! Perfect timing too with Summer just around the corner.
It began when I stop my very expensive habit of buying lunch on work days. I was mildly trying to buy healthy lunches - turkey sandwich w/ milk, or veggie panini w/ salad, etc. They were always really large portions and I'm the type of person who will more or less eat until I'm stuffed if the food tastes good and is in front of me. My food schedule usually consisted of eating breakfast before work, one large lunch and a late dinner. I wasn't too worried about my weight but was always about 8-10 pounds over my ideal.
Fast forward to today: Now I pack my lunches every day! And generally try to include a lunch item plus three snacks so that I can eat at regular intervals.
8:00am, Breakfast before work - toast w/ natural peanutbutter & banana
10:00am, Snack - green apple
12:00pm, Lunch - dinner leftovers or Lean Cuisine microwave meal
2:00pm, Snack - small yogurt or carrots
4:00pm, Snack - dark chocolate cherry Kashi granola bar
8:00pm, Dinner - Spinach salad w/ chicken breast
(obviously this isn't what I eat every day but it's a good representation)
Because of this new schedule, I've really noticed that my metabolism has been kicking it up. I'd heard this before but had never tried it myself. Now I'm a believer, eating 5-6 small meals a day really works. My budget also allows me to fit in hot yoga once a week without feeling guilty at the cost. So I'm doing that weekly now too.
So, what I have to keep doing to get ready for summer is,
1) Keep bringing my own lunches to work
2) Eat at regular intervals
3) Hot yoga weekly
4) Blog about it!