I have to say, delicious success! It worked like a charm. I went out, had a great time with friends and how did it affect my bank account? ZERO affect. Kind of reminded me of my younger, single days when paying for drinks didn't happen very often, ha, belated thanks boys!
Yesterday, Thursday, was one of my no spend days so I was a bit hard-pressed to go out in the first place. But I hadn't seen these lovelies in a while and knew I would feel like a loser staying in. So, I decided to drink and be merry anyway - drink Sprite and be merry that is. Most bars & lounges give pop at no charge which this one did; Then add a slice of lime for the girlie affect and quickly I completely forgot that my bev was non-alcoholic. Alcohol is making me super tired these days anyway, so I had even more fun being sharp and alert.
This weekend is going to be fantastic! My dear cousins are in Toronto this weekend and it's so rare that I get the chance to see family (they're all back West). So tonight, I'm heading out with the fam - to my cousin's, girlfriend's, parent's house for dinner. It should be an inexpensive night... actually I should bring a bottle of wine. Oh, and I also need to bring a birthday gift.
Saturday, I'm going to an art show ($10), then to a concert which S already bought the tickets to. I may try my DD trick on Saturday as well. Then Sunday is grocery day and weather permitting, maybe go hiking, then hot yoga in the evening.
At some point, I'd like to try and make it to a spin class too. There's one at 9:30am on Saturday & Sunday and one at 10:30am on Saturday. Included in my gym membership!
Bare-bones weekend budget
Wine & b-day gift for cousin - $25.00
Art show $10.00
Saturday concert - $5.00
Groceries - $100
Hot yoga - $18.00
Total - $158.00
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