Friday, April 10, 2009

I Can't Wait To Get Home!

On the May long weekend, I'm heading back to Vancouver to see my friends and family! I cannot wait. The last time I saw everyone was at Christmas time but I'm super close to everyone and missing them has been my biggest challenge in moving to Toronto. My ticket was $499.45 and my parents and S are both going to give me $100 each so I'm heading to Vancouver for about $300 which is an wonderful.

S is leaving for Europe for three weeks to finish his MBA at that time anyway, so since I'd just be at home missing him, this works out really well.

Unfortunately, I had to put this ticket on my Visa so it's now maxed again. But on the upside, I'm planning on dropping a large payment of $750 in my next pay period. Plus the $200 from my familia and it should be back down to a respectable amount very soon. I'm also going to make an effort to put some extra money on it.

It's actually a good thing that my Visa was maxed this morning because I was playing around online and ended up designing my own business cards on They look great! And were only $50 including shipping but when I went to process the order my Visa got declined. Although I think it's a really, really good idea to have a personal business card and I will probably process them in future, this morning it definitely would have been a complete impulse buy.


  1. I was scrolling through your blog this morning and I saw that picture and was like, "hey! That's Vancouver!" In fact, I can see the white sails of Canada Place from my office RIGHT NOW! So I've found a fellow-Vancouverite, woohoo!

    Lovely blog, by the way.

  2. Thanks Alanna. Lucky you that you have such a great view from your office!

    I'm thrilled to be coming back to visit and hopefully I'll get to visit my old stomping ground down by Stanley Park as well. Have a beautiful day!

  3. btw, I've had a change of heart about the personal business cards - for now anyway. S told me I sounded like a nerd because I'm get $200 for my plane ticket and then was going to spend $50 on personal business cards.

    Ummm, I see his point. lol. Old habits die hard I guess!!
